raise your hand if you have a question 2.JPG

Raise your hand if you have a question! Now that my site is up and running and I have so many amazing people checking out my site (thank you, I am so grateful!) I have been getting some of the same questions repeatedly. So, I decided to dedicate a blog post to all of the answers to questions you might have. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Send me a message or drop it in the comments below and I will get the answer for you!

Q.What equipment do I need for your classes?

A.Ultimately, you don’t need any equipment! But there are many classes with some simple props that will make pilates even more fun. Check out this blog post to learn more and links to everything you could ever need!

Q.How are classes streamed?

A.On Demand classes are streamed right from my site - every time you want to take a class head straight to the On Demand tab. For Live Virtual classes, you’ll sign up here and then receive an email confirmation with the Zoom link to sign in for the class. You’ll be admitted to a waiting room and I will sign you in once I see the notice.

Q.Do I need a credit card to start the 7 Day Trial?

A.Yes, you need to enter your credit card information to sign up for the trial. If you’d like to not be charged you can either cancel your membership while logged in or contact me here and I can assist you. In order to not be charged for the first full month you must cancel prior to the 7 days are over. If you do cancel within your first week you can still finish out your trial.

Q.Can I pause or access a class after doing it?

A.If you’re renting the class while under subscription, you can stop, start, and do classes as much as you’d like. There’s even a filter for previously watched classes and favorites. If you’ve purchased a class A la Carte, you can pause or retake classes as much as you’d like within the 24 hour rental period.

Q.I’m new to pilates, how do I start?

A.First of all, congratulations on trying something new! Pilates is an amazing workout. I would suggest starting off with my beginner and “how to” classes so you can learn and understand the principles of pilates. This will help you get more out of your workouts and be able to take more advantage of the other classes in my library. Don’t be afraid to take classes over again, repetition can be very helpful!

Q.My neck hurts when I lift my head off the mat, what should I do?

A.Over time as your abdominals and the little neck muscles you have get stronger you will feel less strain in your neck. Feel free to put your head down whenever your neck feels tired. You could also try using a small folded towel or two behind your head/neck for support - when you do this your eyes, nose and chin should be neutral to the ceiling - your chin shouldn’t be tucked into your throat. We want to honor your cervical (neck) curve not erase it. This being said, if you have any neck (cervical) disc herniations, arthritis, or osteoporosis you should keep your head down all the time.


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